Raymond A. Wood Foundation Custom WordPress Development

A Resource Hub for Hypothalamic-Pituitary Brain Tumor Survivors

Raymond A. Wood Foundation (RAWF) embarked on a transformative journey to enhance the digital experience for Hypothalamic-Pituitary Brain Tumor Survivors. Committed to fostering connections, promoting research, and inspiring hope, RAWF sought the expertise of Inclind because we are a leading web company specializing in creating robust and scalable solutions. Leveraging the versatility of WordPress, Inclind tailored a custom web design that met RAWF's unique needs and empowered the foundation's team with an intuitive and easily editable platform, eliminating the necessity for continuous developer assistance.

RAWF Before and After

The Challenge:

Facing the challenges of cumbersome content editing processes and a lack of intuitive navigation, the RAWF recognized the urgent need for a revamped web design to enhance both the user experience for their visitors and the efficiency of their internal staff. Struggling with the limitations of their existing platform, SquareSpace, RAWF partnered with Inclind to address these issues and provided a solution that streamlined content management. This offered an intuitive navigation structure to showcase their content better.

Content Editing

The absence of streamlined editing functionality on the RAWF's previous website led to considerable time-consuming challenges in creating and modifying content. The inefficiencies impacted their ability to update information and promptly engage with their audience.

Content Navigation

RAWF's previous website needed more navigation, posing a significant challenge for visitors in locating related content. Navigational limitations hindered the exploration of the foundation's valuable resources, impacting the overall user experience.

Our Solution:

Inclind enhanced the RAWF's digital presence by providing a custom WordPress web design, improving the editing experience and overall user engagement. The flexibility of WordPress streamlined content management, while simplified navigation structures made it easier for users to find relevant information. Additionally, we introduced an interactive map to identify Hypothalamic-Pituitary Brain Tumor survivors, fostering a stronger sense of community.

Customized Web Design

Inclind crafted a modern, scalable custom web design for RAWF, ensuring optimal functionality across various devices. The responsive design enhances the user experience and positions RAWF for long-term growth, adapting as the foundation evolves.

WordPress Flexibility

WordPress is a flexible and user-friendly platform, empowering organizations like the Raymond A. Wood Foundation to edit functionality and content on their site effortlessly without needing a developer. Its intuitive interface and extensive plugin ecosystem give RAWF the autonomy to manage and update its website efficiently.


Our team implemented user-friendly features such as content organization to facilitate an easy discovery process for visitors. The website adheres to ADA compliance, ensuring an inclusive and accessible online experience for all users. These measures enhance the foundation's commitment to providing a user-friendly interface that caters to diverse needs, promoting equal access to valuable content.

Community Connection

To actively promote connection and user engagement, we've applied a map feature to display other Hypothalamic-Pituitary Brain Tumor survivors to create a sense of community and additional resources. RAWF encourages individuals to share their stories to create a supportive platform for shared experiences.

Multilingual Integration

The website now supports translation and localization by incorporating advanced multilingual features, providing users with an intuitive option to switch between languages. This enhances the user experience and broadens the reach of RAWF's message and initiatives, inviting a broader audience to connect with their cause.

Kindful Platform Integration for Donations

Inclind has integrated Kindful, a comprehensive donor management system, into RAWF's digital platform. Kindful offers donation processing and donor relationship management, making it an ideal choice for non-profits like RAWF that rely on fundraising and donor engagement.

WordPress Development

WordPress is a flexible and powerful CMS known for its ease of use, extensive customization options, and strong community support. By choosing WordPress, Inclind provided RAWF with a platform that meets their current digital needs and is scalable for future growth and development.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics has been integrated into RAWF's website to track and report website traffic, providing valuable insights into user behavior and interaction. This powerful tool allows RAWF to make data-driven decisions, enhance their digital marketing strategies, and improve website performance.

The Result:

RAWF Before and After

The revitalized RAWF website, a powerful resource hub, has become an invaluable repository for information and a catalyst for user connections, significantly increasing interaction and donations. The seamless integration of scalable WordPress solutions ensures the website's adaptability and growth potential, aligning with RAWF's evolving needs. The enhancements to RAWF's website have created a dynamic and engaging online platform that fosters community connections, encourages user participation, and streamlines donation processes for sustained support.

Photo Gallery

Here are snapshots we took along our journey together.

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