
Peninsula Regional Health System Website Design & Development

A Leader in Providing Healthcare to the Eastern Shore

TidalHealth has provided over 120 years of healthcare on the Delmarva Peninsula. They offer a full range of services, including neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, joint replacement, emergency/trauma care, comprehensive cancer care, wound care, and clinical trials and research.

The Challenge:

We interviewed department heads and integral staff members at PRHS to get to know the organization inside and out. And what we discovered were two main problems to be resolved:

- The PRHS marketing team had no real control over the current website; major barriers were preventing them from making changes and updates to the site when needed.

- The site wasn’t modern or touch-friendly and the content wasn’t up-to-date.

An added challenge was that the location of PRHS along the coast requires the hospital to be, well, hospitable and approachable for this tourism area. The site needed to appeal to two audience sets: visitors who know nothing about PRHS, as well as long-term residents of the local community that rely on the healthcare system.

Our Solution:

Front End Drupal Developer Nick Bumgarner, Project Coordinator Nancy Jones, Designer Amy Wood and Inclind Founder / Director Shaun Tyndall scrubbed in each and every week to meet and collaborate with PRHS, as the redesign officially began in the summer of 2015. We followed that with an agile development process that started with physician search and location search function, and continued with the website launch, when we shifted into a support role, and even further, when the PRHS patient portal is expected to roll out.

Development building blocks included moving the site onto our partner hosting system, Pantheon, using the Drupal 7 technology – something we were sure to educate PRHS on, so they were on board with all of its benefits and advantages.

Web design was transformed from stagnant and stale into responsive and interactive, delivering the same positive experience onto any device you’re accessing peninsula.org from. Static promo panels were brought to life with rotating hospital videos on the home page.

The redesign is mobile-friendly, focused on user tasks like improved doctor searches simplified by filters such as a doctor’s name and specialty.

And with the mobile Wayfinder tool, visitors could find the closest lab, pharmacy or doctor’s office based on their location anywhere outside the hospital – even find their way around from within the hospital walls with Google Indoor Maps.

Potential employees are able to conduct more productive job searches thanks to HealthcareSource, a user experience system we implemented that seamlessly populates all career postswithin peninsula.org.

Instead of this page being dropped into a third party job search engine, it’s dynamically loaded right onto peninsula.org to complement the design style of the site.

Plus, visitors can scroll through a news and events section designed to deliver a more visual, interactive experience, complete with a convenient calendar that features a filtered search for events by category.

The Result:


It’s a project that was a year in the making – and one we’re proud of, but as usual per our philosophy, it’s not one that’s over after the site launch. We continue to maintain the health of the website and look for ways to improve with scheduled checkups.

Because that’s our way of providing quality healthcare.

Photo Gallery

Here are snapshots we took along our journey together.

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TidalHealth has provided over 120 years of healthcare on the Delmarva Peninsula. They offer a full range of services, including neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, joint replacement, emergency/trauma care, comprehensive cancer care, wound care, and clinical trials and research.

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